Things You Should Know About Renovating Your Home

Before going full tilt and full steam ahead on your renovation project, there’s more than a few things to keep in mind before, during and after every stage of planning. It’s extremely easy to focus on the shine and sheen of what it’ll look like and all the other aesthetics but don’t forget about the less glamorous elements when you’re planning a refurbishment. Coat storage, linen cupboards and light sockets may not be take your breath away but failing to properly integrate these aspects in your remodel could lead to disaster. After your redo is done, ensure every room in your home has form and function while being fun and fantastic – it’s possible!

The future plays a big part of what you choose to do so think ahead and don’t just plan for just right now. You can make sure your home accommodates your own changing needs or how it needs to evolve, as your family starts or as your children grow – all of this should be
taken into consideration. If you have younger kids, an open layout is great for keeping an eye on them but as teenagers, that might need to be redesigned if and when they want more privacy. Making it a more flexible living space, by adding doors or installing dividers, could be a solution later on.

Placement is everything and knowing where everything will go is paramount and should be decided prior to renovating. This means taking into account heating vents when you arrange your furniture and knowing where the electrical outlets are, factoring in lighting, entertainment and anything else that needs to be plugged in.

Resist the urge to knock down every wall so you can make it feel open with lots of space. Sounds funny but it’s easy to run out of walls to hang art or put furniture against, even in an open layout – make sure you leave yourself some wall space. Windows look great and are good for letting in natural light but they don’t have to go on every wall you have. There’s more to show off in and around your home, inside and outside, like a cute backyard garden or beautiful landscape feature.

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